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Rock climbing

2021-04-28 17:14:39
Rock climbing

Rock climbing is a competitive sport derived from mountain climbing. Rock climbing is also a mountaineering sport, and the main climbing objects are rocky cliffs or man-made rock walls. Artificial climbing equipment is composed of unit rock slabs made of fiberglass reinforced polylipids.




Rock climbing is a popular sport that can be participated in by the public. It has just begun in China, but it is very popular in foreign countries. In European and American countries, rock climbing is popular with the public for its low investment, low cost and strong autonomy. According to statistics, since 1990, the number of domestic climbers has increased by 53 percent each year. Since China held a national rock climbing competition in 1987, rock climbing has become more and more popular in cities, and rock climbing enthusiasts are also increasing by multiple. When this movement is in the ascendency, the rock climbing place department will become a gathering point for many rock climbing fans and is currently a very popular investment project.

Because to the modern city people, to the natural rock climbing often take a lot of time to travel, but also affected by the climate is very big. Therefore, in foreign countries, especially in Europe and North America, where sports are flourishing, many dike constructions are planned and built with government funds, because it provides an excellent destination for tourism and leisure.

With the economic take-off of modern people, the quality of life is no longer the requirement of food and clothing, but hope to establish the work and physical and mental health, leisure quality, family parent-child relationship and other relative balance. Rock climbing can completely satisfy these needs and is completely dangerous.

In addition to the above advantages, there is no restriction of size, gender or age, so people of all ages can enjoy climbing. Modern people suffer from the pressure of daily life and homework. They can get a sense of accomplishment from rock climbing and relieve their pressure.







Last:Plank road2021-04-28

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