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Freight ropeway

2021-04-28 16:25:27
Freight ropeway

In areas with complex terrain and difficult to reach by staff, mining or tunneling discard waste soil to other working areas for treatment, freight ropeway can be adopted. Not only can reduce the damage to the local natural landscape, ecology and residents' ecological environment during the construction period, but also can shorten the working hours and reduce the project cost.


There are mainly the following types: 1, double line (support cable, drag cable each one) reciprocating ropeway system: there are two buckets on the line, left and right each one on the line reciprocating. 2, double line (one cable, one drag cable) circulation ropeway system: there is a support bucket on the line, another drag cable to drag the bucket at high speed on the line to the platform when the cable is off, the freight ropeway company at low speed to load and unload operations. 3. Single-line fixed circulating ropeway system: the bucket is fixed on a single steel cable (with negative support and drag cable functions), and the line and the station are circulating at a fixed rate. 4. Single-line automatic circulation release ropeway system: the bucket is fastened on a single cable (with negative support and drag cable functions) at high speed on the line. When it reaches the loading and unloading station, the cable holding device is separated from the cable on the line, and the bucket is loaded and unloaded at a low speed at the loading and unloading station.






Last:Drag take the cable car2021-04-28

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