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Track cable manufacturers use track cable for safe ride

2021-02-20 11:46:43


Track cable in every scenic area is almost built, and because the project itself is more exciting and fun, so many tourists are willing to try, but it is a kind of zip-cable project before trying to pay attention to a lot of safety precautions, so today Xiaobian to explain to us this aspect of common sense.

1. Before the track cable in the play area, passengers need to confirm whether they can play according to their own physical conditions. If they have serious heart disease or some sudden disease, for their own safety, the small series does not advocate playing.



2. In order not to injure hands or change the original gliding track, the small editor advocates that passengers should not touch the wire rope on both sides with their hands and cooperate with the operators of the track cable to ensure safety.

3. It is in bad weather such as strong wind and rain and snow that the installation manufacturer of track slide rope in scenic spots advocates that we should not play with track slide rope in scenic spots for our own safety.

The track cable not only has the function of entertainment, but also plays the role of transportation. It becomes a kind of sightseeing mode that can be selected by tourists and helps to relieve walking and physical and mental fatigue. At the same time, many scenic spots have also attracted the attention of many tourists through the operation of this project, but before the equipment is made and put into operation, the inspection operation is essential.

The management personnel of the scenic spot should still be familiar with the operation of the track cable, but many people are not very familiar with the inspection report of the equipment. Actually the inspection process is not as messy as we fantasy, after the equipment construction, we need to carry on their own produce, installation qualification, detection of the main parts of statements of qualification and construction personnel operation certificate and other documents related equipment inspection organization for inspection, after the inspection can be normal put into use.


Website of this article:http://en.zjxf.com.cn/news/456.html

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